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Part 6: On consideration, kindness, and thoughtfulness


Tew tegb n n fm.
Both the leaf and the root take pity on the climbing parasite.
(A pleas for consideration from all and sundry.)
Compare Tigi tp . . .

Tigi tp n n fm.
Both trees and palms take pity on the climbing plant.
(A plea for mercy from all and sundry.)
Compare Tew tegb . . .

Tigi tp n sn yr lko.
Both trees and palms extend kindness to the African black pepper plant.
(A pleas for kindness from others.)
Compare Tigi tp n n fm.

Tk toore, kan k gb.
Wickedness or kindness, neither goes for nought.
(Wickedness and kindness will be rewarded unfailingly.)

Tt n tnu ja w.
Only coolness come out of the fish's mouth.
(Permit your mouth to say only soothing things.)
