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Part 4: On perseverance, industry, resilience, self-confidence, self-reliance, resourcefulness, daring, fortitude, and invulnerability


Dàńdógò is not a garment for the young.
(Certain feats are beyond certain people.)

One should give everything a try; if one's owner dies one goes to claim his wife.
(One should attempt even the impossible.)

A perpetually shining appearance is what chracterizes the pigeon even until death.
(An observation that a person's reputation cannot be tarnished, or a wish that it never be tarnished.)

It is bit by bit that rats eat leather.
(With slow and steady application, even a difficult task will be done.)

It is bit by bit that a bird eats an orange.
(Easy does it.)

Gradual efforts complete a task.
(The biggest task is accomplished with gradual and steady attention.)

The talking drum endures all matters without complaint. [15]
(It is best to be stoically resilient.)


15. A reference to the cords, bells and bands tied around the drum, as well as to the beating it takes from the stick used in playing it.  [Back to text]
