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Part 4: On perseverance, industry, resilience, self-confidence, self-reliance, resourcefulness, daring, fortitude, and invulnerability


Tkt t y pa Alginj p lko k wn t gb e wl.
The snare that will capture the lord of the wilderness will stay long in the bush before returning home.
(Whoever attempts the impossible is in for long frustration.)

Tp-tp l y jg; tew-tew l yn k.
With sac and all is how to remove jiggers; with its wrapping leaves is the way to buy corn meal.
(One must do things thoroughly, not by halves.)

Tt gn ti lmi tl kj t r s i.
The prickly spinach was succulent before the rain fell on it.
(A statement that one does not depend on largess from other people.)

Tta rro l kl, b b jinn a di tni.
Facial scarification comes with a great deal of pain; when it heals its beauty becomes one's pride.
(Good things come with some pain.)

Toj ty lpar- fi rran.
It is with both its eyes and its feathers that the partridge sees.
(A statement that one is all eyes.)

Tsn tru, im gbl; b ba dk, a j p pin.
Day or night, the nose does not rest; if it stops, that means the end.
(Some things are so reliable that they never fail.)
