Part 2: On perspicaciousness (good judgment, perceptiveness), reasonableness, sagacity, savoir-faire, wisdom, and worldly wisdom
J il k mb k  ; t  k n kan n f nni.
Unroof your house and I will help you re-roof it usually gives one only one bundle of thatching grass.
(One relies on other people's promise of help only at one's risk.)
J r -f f j r -f f , ew r w il p n j r -f f ; k l p n r j t y k s l f w r ?
Busily wagging tail, busily wagging tail, a goat enters a bachelor's house busily wagging its tail; what does a bachelor have to eat whose left-over the goat can have?
(One wastes one's time expecting some largesse from a destitute person.)